‘Becomings-animal are neither dreams nor phantasies. They are perfectly real. But which reality is at issue here? For if becoming animal does not consist in playing animal or imitating an animal, it is clear that the human being does not “really” become an animal any more than the animal “really” becomes something else. Becoming produces nothing other than itself. (…) The becoming-animal of the human being is real, even if the animal the human being becomes is not; and the becoming-other of the animal is real, even if that something other it becomes is not.’
[Gilles Deleuze, Félix Guattari, 1730: Becoming-Intense, Becoming-Animal, Becoming-Imperceptible, in: A Thousand Plateaus]
Inspired by the text of Gilles Deleuze and Félix Guattari, A Thousand Plateaus, in which the term plateau is interpreted as ‘a continuous, self-vibrating region of intensities’, Małgorzata Suś considers intensity as a crucial category for physical theatre and dance. Intensity of movement, intensity of action, related to this viscerality and invoked before the term ‘becoming-animal’, are the reference points for her movement practice.
During the workshop Become Intense, Become Animal we worked on strong physical presence and awareness of the body. The workshop consisted of general physical condition exercises, group tasks and work with partner.
The workshop was hosted by Chaosmos in the framework of our series of talks and open discussions Philosophy of Chaos: Desiring Machines: intermission on Deleuze & Guattari (with Małgorzata Suś)
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