
love & politics Athens

book launch and group exhibition
#1 urban sessions
#2 creativity, love and play
#3 sound interventions
#4 poetics and politics

book launch and group exhibition

Cover image: Cecylia Malik, Bialka’s Braids, campaign to protect river against regulations, 2013. Courtesy of the artist and Kamila Buturla (photograph)

love & politics
public program Athens, East London, Berlin … | 2018-2020 | Initiated and organized by Evgenia Giannopoulou in collaboration with Hannes Schumacher, Katerina Rotoli and Freigeist Verlag

love & politics is a nomadic public program which takes the form of a sequel of sessions.

In September 2018, the Berlin-based publishing house Freigeist Verlag released a collective book on the topic ‘love & politics’ titled homonymously. (

Immersed both in artistic exploration as well as in philosophical and scientific research, the project welcomes approaches from all disciplines so as to get the most diverse view on the topic. Taken as its point of departure the question of how love and politics could coexist and what kind of forms and spaces could be created out of this encounter, the project will address the potential of this unlikely liaison.

The public program will travel from Athens to London and Berlin, etc., exploring further the topic of love and politics through performances, screenings, lectures, sound and public interventions.

Athens as the first destination:

Opening of the public program in Athens: group exhibition with works by Mikhail Karikis, Miriam Poletti, Nauman Abid, Anna Deligianni, Ioana Niculescu-Aron and Denise Padron Benitez

The opening was accompanied by the electoacoustic poetry of UBE and beats & elecronica by polska blonde

Overview of the collective book love & politics exhibited on the wall/ Mikhail Karikis, Love is the institution of Revolution, 2015, Courtesy of the artist / photo credits: Evgenia Giannopoulou

#1 urban sessions

performative interventions on urban architecture in collaboration with the architect Agis Tompros

‘What is urban planning through an allegorical correlation with
the disassemblance of an object? How an object could be deconstructed into several smaller components and how these hidden elements form a complete system of a functional organism.
The representation of an object/radio as a complex spatial disassembly. Form in relation to positive and negative space
and how the above could be related to the development stages of a city. Do the latest developments in urban planning contain all the crucial components to form a sustainable, harmonized city???’
– Agis Tompros –

Katerina Rotoli, ‘Zwischenspiel/The Interplay’, video still, 2014. Courtesy of the artist / video installation: ‘Zwischenspiel in Athensville’

‘Utopian Mega City: Under Construction’,
photo and sound-installation by Hannes Schumacher
and Evgenia Giannopoulou

#2 creativity, love and play

Creativity, love and play as the second exploration of the collective project love & politics is a series of workshops based on body, sound, voice, movement, theatrical practices and dance.

Humans, being born, moving, loving, falling to pieces. Illustration, 2015 by Felix Maiwald

The core energetic workshop realized by Thalia Dimitropoulou gave us the push to explore the rhythms of our body and the collective experience through the group.

‘In these hours that we were together we used our bodies to connect with our individual truth. Through dance, meditation and theatrical practices we observed how creativity moves in us and manifests itself through our bodies. We explored our senses, our connection with the other, with silence, with music, with the space. The only objective for these hours was our presence.’

Armonea sound sessions realized by m-Aria Samara

photo credits: m-Aria photography

‘“armonea” in Greek language means Harmony
Armonea session harmonizes body and mind through the sound and vibration of singing bowls and gong.’

#3 sound interventions

The sound interventions, as the third exploration of the collective project love & politics in Athens, expand the topic further to the rhizomatic movements of electronic synapses, superposition of soundwaves, subconscious micropolitics and autopoietic feedback.

Intermission on India with Medha Singh from Delhi via Skype

Concerned with the alarming tensions between India and Pakistan we openly discussed the current issues and watch the new documentary film Lynch Nation:

#4 poetics and politics

Poetics and politics as the fourth exploration of the collective project love & politics in Athens was realized in two days of talks, poetic interventions and performances by the participants of the collective book and special guests!

Make Love Not Art by Ondřej Macl and Anna Luňáková

‘What does it mean to create a relationship in an aesthetic way? Is it better for our field to avoid becoming a community? Why would we choose love, instead of art? How to operate with love and who are its enemies? What is the connection not only between the actor and philosopher, but also between the actor and prostitute?’ – Ondřej Macl and Anna Luňáková / photo credits: Ondřej Macl and Anna Luňáková

Convex in a hollow‘: calligraphy performance by the artists Sugano Matsusaki and Katerina Rotoli

Last Lacan: Politics and Poetics of Association: skype-talk by the professor of performance studies and aesthetics Soumyabrata Choudhury |

Poetics and Politics Part II as part of the lovely Sunday at Ultimate Con-Fusion festival in December 2019, focuses on the culturally diverse district of Exarcheia in the centre of Athens as well as the current issues of the city :

///Love as an Illusion – a Nietzschean approach on love by Nicolas Kolonias

///Hybrid as a Space – food gathering & open discussion on grassroots artspaces as autonomous urban oases blurring boundaries


HYBRIDS as the final exploration of the collective project love & politics in Athens consisted of a collective performance and a public intervention at Exarcheia square which took place at Alchemical Mysteria festival as well as a gathering and an open discussion on Hybrid as a Space (see above) at Ultimate Con-Fusion, the closing event of the project Trash Temple.

Exarcheia is a semi-autonomous neighbourhood of Athens where people of the most diverse cultural and social backgrounds try to coexist. After the eviction of Exarcheia’s squats that were providing homes for refugees, Exarcheia square remains a symbol for the ongoing resistance against the growing homogenisation.

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